The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)

Our School 我們的學校

School History 學校歷史

Alliance Primary School, Tai Hang Tung (APSTHT) was founded by the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance in 1965. In 2006, The Education Bureau allocated one more school building (School 13) to us and we transferred to whole-day primary schooling in the same year.
大坑東宣道小學於1965年創校,是香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會所興辦的津貼小學。 2006年8月獲當時的教育統籌局分配多一所校舍,上、下午校於2006年9月1日同時轉 全日制上課。本校兩舍設有操場、花圃、停車場、禮堂、多用途室、活動室、資訊科 技室、圖書館、音樂室、英語閱覽室、宗教室、輔導室、校務處、校長室、教員室及 設備完善的課室。全校有冷氣設備、中央影音系統,各室設有完善多媒體教學設施。

Vision 辦學宗旨

To develop whole-person education based on Christian principles, and to nurture abundant life through the Gospel and biblical truths.
本校秉承香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會辦學宗旨: 「本基督精神,發展全人教育;藉宣講福音,培育學生活出豐盛生命。」

Mission 學校使命

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
「教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。」 (箴言第二十二章六節)

Beliefs 教育信念

People are made by God in his image. Everyone is honorable and unique. Each person has a soul and body. They need to be cultivated in spiritual, intellectual and physical aspects. People are born kind. They can be cultivated and educated; People need to live in a society. They should be nurtured morally, socially and aesthetically. Each person has their strengths. They can reach their full potential through guidance. Each person has individual differences. They can be successful by harnessing their abilities.

Objectives 教育目標

  • To provide quality whole-person education for children.
  • To cultivate and develop the growth of the students in 6 fundamental areas, which are spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic.
  • To develop students’ personal characteristics and help them achieve their potential by adopting diversified teaching methods.
  • To preach the gospel and let the children understand “love God, love others” and become good citizens.
  • 按照基督教教育的信念,配合本港的教育目標,為兒童提供優質教育。
  • 培育學生靈、德、智、體、群、美六育均衡發展。
  • 運用多元化的教學策略,發展學生個性和潛能。
  • 廣傳福音,使兒童愛神愛人,成為良好公民,活出豐盛生命。

School Motto 校訓

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)
敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。 (箴言第九章十節)

School Anthem 校歌

宣道同學起來!大家立定心志, 努力學業,充實自己,聖經訓言常記,當趁現在求學時, 就要建立好根基,將來為主宣揚真理, 謀人類福址。

School Features 學校特色

We are a healthy school with love and happiness.We pursue excellence and nurture students’ academic potential.