The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)
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  • 2023 - 2024年度 教師發展 Teacher Development

2023 - 2024年度 教師發展 Teacher Development


In order to promote the professional growth and elevate the professional status of our teachers, our school arranges relevant training and workshops based on the professional ladder design by the Education Bureau. These are grounded in three core elements, including teaching expertise, professional ethics and values, and the spirit of self-improvement through reflection and seeking progress.




20th Oct Curriculum Alignment for Primary and Secondary school

We invited the vice principal and teachers from Caritas Chong Yuet Ming Secondary School to share their expertise and provide training to our teachers. Additionally, in late September, we conducted three separate sessions to introduce students to the curriculum of Chinese, English, and Mathematics.



2nd Nov Teaching Observation:

Teacher conducts peer observations annually to introduce and practice new teaching concepts.



3rd Nov Talent Development

Dr. Serene Chan is the Programme Director (Research Development) of the Laboratory and Programme for Creativity and Talent Development, Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. She delivered a lecture on Nurture MI and Creativity to our teachers.


教育局課程發展處 幼稚園及小學組的林美珊女士及嘉賓講員馮立榮校長到校為老師就著「善用學時,創造空間」、「評估素養和課業政策」及「照顧學生的多樣性」分享講解,令老師掌握教育局最新的教育政策。

24th Nov Primary Education Curriculum Guide

Ms. LAM Mei-shan, from the Curriculum Development Division of the Education Bureau's Kindergarten and Primary School Section, and guest speaker Principal FUNG Lap-wing were invited to share insights with teachers. The topics covered include "Optimizing Learning Time, Creating Space," "Evaluating Competencies and Academic Policies," and "Addressing Student Diversity." The lecture aimed to equip teachers with the latest educational policies and practices from the Education Bureau.



30th Nov Christmas Wreath Making Workshop

In that workshop, teachers had the opportunity to learn the art of making Christmas wreaths. While the teacher imparted skills to enhance artistic decorations, the workshop also served as a celebration and commemoration of the joyous occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ.